December 21, 2021
ICOMON Board Elections 2022-2025

ICOMON Board Elections 2022-2025
Call for nominations
Deadline for nominations: 31st May 2022
ICOMON (International Committee of Banking and Money Museums) is seeking to elect five enthusiastic executive board members, who are willing to represent its interest within ICOM and the wider community. Candidates have to be members of ICOMON and should be recognized expertise in this field. ICOMON also wishes to have a good representation of members and encourages applications from a wide number of countries and institutions.
The board members, who work on a voluntary basis, organize meetings for members, undertake projects, maintain a website and produced newsletters. They also undertake regular administrative work, in which they are supported by the ICOM staff in Paris. The Chair and other members also participate in meetings of ICOM. For more information
Note that ICOM has decided that all elections will happen via an online platform provided by ICOM and not during the ICOMON Annual General Assembly in Prague, CzechRepublic. More details of the voting process and dates will be announced once ICOM has provided more information.
The nomination process is now underway for the positions below:
Regular Member (x2)
Nomination for the ICOMON Board 2022-2025 is open to all ICOMON members in good standing at the time of application and according to the ICOMON statutes.
To apply please fill in and return the ICOMON Board 2022-2025 Candidate Form to
Application deadline 31st May 2022
The names and details of all candidates will be published in the next Newsletter and on our website from June 2022 up until the Board elections.