February 4, 2019
New members are always welcome!

ICOMON is a specialist subcommittee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). To become a member of ICOMON you must first become a member of ICOM.
How to join ICOM?
To join ICOM you must send a membership form to the national committee in your area. For up-to-date individual and institutional membership forms, and further details about joining ICOM, please see the ICOM website.
If there is no national committee in your country, you can submit your membership form directly to the ICOM secretariat. Further details can be found on the ICOM website.
How to join ICOMON
Membership of ICOM includes full voting membership of one international committee (such as ICOMON). You can join ICOMON by indicating your interest on the ICOM membership form. This will be then communicated directly to the ICOMON secretary and you will be added to our mailing lists.
We look forward to welcoming new members, and particularly hope you will be able to join us at our next conference.